Speak English
Parents / Guardians are asked to make children converse in English with them at all times at home.

Parents / Guardians Co-operate with School
Parents / Guardians are requested to Co-operate with the school in maintaining discipline, inculcating diligence, upright behavior and courtesy.
Read the Rules
Parents are expected to co-operate in the work of the school by enforcing regularity, punctuality and discipline and by taking interest in their children’s progress. They are specially requested to read the rules carefully and see that they are strictly followed.

Information Regarding Child’s Progress
Parents who seek information regarding their child’s progress should do so through the Head of the school and not the teacher.
Don't Do
No toys, games, electronic goods, gold ornaments or other items of value should be brought to school.

Terms and Conditions
Parents / Guardians are requested to go through carefully the conditions / information contained in the prospectus before filling in their wards application for registration and admission. All parents / guardians are requested to strictly abide by all the terms and conditions stipulated by the management from time to time.